Understand The Power of Following The
Exposure Process
LISTEN to the Recording Here and/or DOWNLOAD .mp3 file
Approaching Your List
Don't just "Wing-it" or "Spray & Pray"...
These Proven Philosophies & Scripts that will help you approach those in your list in a several different ways.
Remember, it's not about selling, but working
Approaching Your List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [60.4 KB]
Don't just "Wing-it" or "Spray & Pray"...
These Proven Philosophies & Scripts that will help you approach those in your list in a several different ways.
Remember, it's not about selling, but working
Approaching Your List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [60.4 KB]
Exposure Tracking & Daily Activity *Pg.6-7 of the 90day Run/Sprint
If you really want to get yourself on track Use this document to keep you focused and tracking your daily activity. Remember it takes 3-5 exposures to move someone from "unaware, to aware, to intere
ExposureTracking Daily Activity Sheet.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [60.1 KB]
If you really want to get yourself on track Use this document to keep you focused and tracking your daily activity. Remember it takes 3-5 exposures to move someone from "unaware, to aware, to intere
ExposureTracking Daily Activity Sheet.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [60.1 KB]
The Exposure Process and The Power of the 3-way Calls
Download this mp3 file so you can listen to over & over, and even burn copies for your team.
This can & will change your entire business if you embrace it!
MP3 audio file [13.6 MB]
Download this mp3 file so you can listen to over & over, and even burn copies for your team.
This can & will change your entire business if you embrace it!
MP3 audio file [13.6 MB]